thank a lot , I  learn a lot from reply from you !

"* R&Ze:" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> <Original message>
> From: mydata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 11:41:09AM +0800
> Subject: [PHP] how to use the function "strtotime"
> > Hi,
> > I'm php developer beginner in China,but I am confused with function
> > "strtotime".
> > yes ,I know the usage of function "strtotime" in php manual. But
> > of php manual about it is too little.I want to know more about it.
> </Original message>
> <Reply>
> It's not all that difficult, really. It's exactly how it's described
> in the manual. Here is some code that runs some samples:
> (I must say, though, that most examples can be done a lot easier
> without strtotime(), but 'cause these are examples of strtotime()...
> well... you know :)
> --- PHP Example Code ---
> <PRE>
> <?php
> /* Show a given date (+time) */
> print ("Date: \n\t");
> print (date ("r", strtotime ("January 31 2000 19:20:15"))."\n\n");
> /* Show the current date (+time) */
> print ("Now: \n\t");
> print (date ("r", strtotime ("now"))."\n\n");
> /* Show the date (+time) of tomorrow */
> print ("Tomorrow: \n\t");
> print (date ("r", strtotime ("tomorrow"))."\n\n");
> /* Show the date (+time) of yesterday */
> print ("Yesterday: \n\t");
> print (date ("r", strtotime ("yesterday"))."\n\n");
> /* Show the date (+time) of yesterday, where now is tomorrow. So the
>    the output will be today :) */
> print ("Yesterday, where 'now' is tomorrow: \n\t");
> print (date ("r", strtotime ("yesterday", strtotime("tomorrow")))."\n\n");
> /* Show the date (+time) 13 days from december 24th 1998 */
> print ("13 days from december 24th 1998: \n\t");
> print (date ("r", strtotime ("+13 days", strtotime("December 24
> /* Let's say you get some date from the db (or something) and you
>  * want to
>    add 2 years and 4 months and 23 days. */
> print ("Well... just see: \n\t");
> $date_from_db = "2001-09-20";
> print (date ("r", strtotime ("+2 years +4 months +23 days",
>                         mktime(0,0,0,substr($date_from_db, 5, 2),
>                                      substr($date_from_db, 8, 2),
>                                      substr($date_from_db, 0,
> /* Etc. */
> print ("And so on... :)<HR noshade size=\"1\">");
> ?>
> </PRE>
> --- End of PHP Example Code ---
> </Reply>
> --
> * R&zE:
> -- »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
> -- Renze Munnik
> -- DataLink BV
> --
> -- W: +31 23 5326162
> -- F: +31 23 5322144
> -- M: +31 6 21811143
> --
> -- Stationsplein 82
> -- 2011 LM  HAARLEM
> -- Netherlands
> --
> --
> -- ««««««««««««««««««««««««

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