OOOH, touched a nerve...

I'm sorry to have <i>blasphemed</i>.

I was just making an observation that the sites he produced were
pretty lame. I was just suggesting that even if he was such a hot-shot
PHP guru, he'd want to have some sort of "niceness" about the sites
he produces.

I am, honestly, just beginning with PHP but have rpogrammed in other
languages for several years. But that doesn't make me a bad web site
designer. I am helping to design an E-Commerce instruction class and
intend on making PHP one of the main topics. IT will be similar to the
BootCamp but over a number of weeks .vs 2-days.

I guess I should have included a few hunderd :) so you folks wouldn't have
taken it so seriously.

>     Listen jackass, Richard is a PHP Programmer, not a Web Designer.  Next
> time you feel like flaming back, do me a favor, shove both feet in your
> mouth first.

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