> Hello everyone-
> Here's my problem.. I have a script that uploads an image and then resizes
> that image to a certain size etc.  Then it takes that image and copies it
> a spefic location.  My problem occurs when trying to copy the file to the
> specific location because I get a permission denied (I'm running Linux 7.1
> with Apache).  I have the script that does this operation off of the web
> root so no one can access it in a browser etc.  I'm trying to change the
> permissions on the directory and the file.  I'm also trying to change the
> owner of the file.  Finally, I'm trying to copy the file but on all of
> I get a permission denied error.  The script runs under the user of Apache
> and the Apache user doesn't have access to chmod, chown, or copy the files
> like I need it to.  Is there anyway around this issue?
> Thanks,
> jay

put the apache user and the owner of the directory where the file sould be
copied to in a new user group for example "piccopy"
and "chown <ownername>.piccopy <dirname>" the file
then make the directory writable for all users in the group piccopy.



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