Dont use sessions, they are a little flaky anyway.  Use a mixture of holding
data in database and passing sid/userid/hash around on the URL.  You wont regret

>I have written here several times on this subject and in the end those who

>have gratiously helped me have ended up just telling me they have no clue
>why it doesn't work. It HAS to be my server setup but I don't know what it

>could be.
>Sessions just don't work on my machine...
>The heart of the problem is the session_start() function.
>The first time you start a session with this function it creates a new
>session, that's fine.
>The problem happens when it's run and no matter if the SSID is in a cookie

>or passed via a form, it will still create a new session, every single time.

>It will not pickup the old session.
>Here is the app I setup to demonstrate the problem:
>The first page initiates the session, the variable is posted to the next
>page, the next page should retrieve the session and display the first two
>variables which were registered in the session, then display the third var.

>You'll see the third var showsup, the first two don't.  The session ID may

>or may not remain the same. If you manually remove the index2.php file and

>reload the first page, the SSID will have changed.
>Source of the files:
>$var1 = "My var 1";
>$var2 = "My var 2";
><TITLE>Session Page 1</TITLE>
>Var1: <? echo $var1; ?><BR>
>Var2: <? echo $var2; ?><BR>
><FORM ACTION="index2.php" METHOD="POST">

>Source of index2.php:
>session_start();                // start session
>session_register("var3");      // register var 3 session variable
>$var3 = $myvar3;
><TITLE>Session Page 2</TITLE>
>Var1: <? echo $var1; ?><BR>
>Var2: <? echo $var2; ?><BR>
>VAR3: <? echo $var3; ?><BR>
>I have tried session_name() to force the session ID. I was told though this

>function doesn't set the SSID. It gives the SSID a name or something.
>I have been told this is all setup correctly, yet, you can see it doesn't
>The permissions on my /tmp directory look like this:
>drwxrwxrwt  /tmp
>Does this have anything to do with this? I don't know much about the
>permissions part of things.
>Thomas Deliduka
>IT Manager
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