
I downloaded the Php-Gtk files for Windows 32 Binary
and I am trying to make it work on Windows 98. I
already have phpdev2 with Apahce, Mysql and Php

phpdev2 is in C:\phpdev2

1. Now I downloaded php-gtk and I copied the files
from php4 folder to php directory.
2. Then I copied the files from Winnt directory to
3. I didn't copy php.ini file anywhere because...
C:\phpdev2\php\ already had a php.ini file.
4. Copied the sameples to the same folder as that of
Php C:\phpdev2\php\samples.

Now When I try to run the a sample file.eg.
C:\phpdev2\php\php_win.exe -q

It doesn't do anything...it just comas back to the
command line in Dos Prompt

Is the thing installed properly..? How can we check it
and if it is installed why isn't the thing showing any

Please reply to me...coz I am just making a beginning
with Php-Gtk

Thank You


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