> Right in principle. But there are cases (common ones), like the one shown 
> above, where errors are unavoidable and normal. For these cases the @ 
> operator is the right thing. Generally you're right though - error 
> reporting should be set to E_ALL and reasons of avoidable errors/warnings 
> should be eliminated.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I saw some posts coming along on this
list yesterday (I think) telling that getImageSize can't handle
URL's. So... in that case... Don't use @, but check the syntax of
the variable you want to pass as parameter for getImageSize.

But you're right about the *very* few cases in which it is
unavoidable. Though, this isn't one of 'm.


* R&zE:

-- »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
-- Renze Munnik
-- DataLink BV
-- W: +31 23 5326162
-- F: +31 23 5322144
-- M: +31 6 21811143
-- Stationsplein 82
-- 2011 LM  HAARLEM
-- Netherlands
-- http://www.datalink.nl
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