Well, it maybe posibble... but how can be it done by a php script?

I mean:

- The job is to send a mail to the mail-list of my web every monday, but I
cannot use the crontab

I think I can do this script:

- At every visit at my index page, I check the system date, and if it is
equal to 0:00am of monday, send the mail, and maybe, set a variable = 1 (1
means Send, for example), so the next visit won't active the script that
sends the email...

But if there are 2 simultaneos visits at 0:00am or mayor, the php will
execute 2 times the script...

so... is there a good script as efective as a cron job?

Thanks :)

PD: yes, my english sux XD

----- Original Message -----
From: "Henrik Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: Dated/Timed actions

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Duncan Hill) wrote:
>  > On Tue, 2 Oct 2001, paharito wrote:
>  >
> >> But what if your server can't give you cron perms?
> >>
> >> It would be useful if I could send an e·mail every monday... but can
> >> I do this without the cron?
>  >
>  > Try  at   instead.
> if you dont have cron access I dont think you have at perms either.
> maybe set a job up on your local computer?
> --
> Henrik Hansen
> --
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