how secure is either method?  the form method would be more secure if it
was done over https correct?


Martín marqués wrote:
> On Lun 01 Oct 2001 19:36, you wrote:
> > I used a pretty basic system to check HTTP authentication values against
> > database values, but I can't seem to find a way to allow the user to log
> > out.  I tried:
> >
> > unset($PHP_AUTH_USER)
> >
> > but Internet Explorer hangs on to that value until all browser windows are
> > closed.  Is there any way around that?
> I (as lot of GPL projects) have droped HTTP authentification, and use there
> own authentification.
> Put a form with login and password, and save whatever you like in a session,
> and thats it.
> Saludos... ;-)
> P.D.: Netscape also hangs with the variable PHP_AUTH_USER.
> --
> Porqué usar una base de datos relacional cualquiera,
> si podés usar PostgreSQL?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Martín Marqués                  |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Programador, Administrador, DBA |       Centro de Telematica
>                        Universidad Nacional
>                             del Litoral
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

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