> PHP on the other hand seems to load in ALL the code that MAY be run. i.e.
> an include brings things in which are inside an if,  even if the if equates
> to false.

That's not true.

  if(condition) include 'file';

That will only include the file if the condition is true.  Very easy to
verify for yourself.  So a bunch of your points related to this are void.

> Then there is the way database connectivity is handled.
> There are a load of functions (again in the core language) with there NAMES
> containing the name of the database you are connecting to.
> For example all MySQL functions are mysql_something and I guess all oracle
> ones are oracle_something.  This would only be a minor inconvenience
> because wrapper functions can be written but from what I can gather
> different databases have different functionality available.

There is both a C-level abstraction layer called dbx and a user-space one
in PEAR.  Plus a number of others.  So again, this makes your next points

> Got a nast feeling that ASP (spit) does something like this.

As does PHP if you had bothered to look.


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