$imagefile contains the name of the file in the temp dir. So the name is some 
mess like phpxxxxx . If you want the file you do copy() or something other. 
After the script is done the file is deleted. I prefer using $HTTP_POST_VARS
do var_dump($HTTP_POST_VARS) to see debug info.

Andrey Hristov
IcyGEN Corporation
Building Solutions

On Friday 05 October 2001 18:41, you wrote:
> All,
> I am putting together a simple upload program where an
> HTML form calls a php script passing a file which is
> then used to upload. I am running this locally
> currently, prior to rolling out to a test server.
> My problem is this. The variable $filename I am
> passing from the form to the php script is having the
> path corrupted. In the php script if I echo
> $filename_name the file name is being passed correctly
> (test.txt) but when I echo the $filename variable it
> contains a value of \\php2 when infact the correct
> value should be c:\test.txt.
> I include below my sample code. If anyone has any
> ideas I would be most grateful.
> Thanks in advance,
> Roger
> upload.html
> ==================================
> <HTML>
> <FORM form enctype="multipart/form-data" METHOD=POST
> ACTION = "uploadrjb.php3" >
> <PRE>
> Upload file           : <INPUT TYPE="file" INPUT
> NAME="userfile"><BR>
> Image Description     : <INPUT TYPE="text"
> NAME="description" SIZE=40 align="left"><BR>
> First Name            : <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="firstname"
> SIZE=30 align="left">  Last Name: <INPUT TYPE="text"
> NAME="lastname" SIZE=30 align="left"><BR>
> Location              : <SELECT NAME="location" >
> <OPTION VALUE ="01">Dagenham</OPTION>
> <OPTION VALUE ="02">Romford</OPTION>
> Age                   : <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="age" SIZE=2
> ALIGN="right"><BR>
> Email Address                 : <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="email"
> SIZE=30 ALIGN="left"><BR>
> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT Value="Upload"<BR>
> </PRE>
> </FORM>
> </HTML>
> uploadrjb.php3
> ==========================================
> <?php
> //echo $userfile; <BR>
>     echo "File=" . "$userfile";
>   echo "File=" . $userfile_name;
> //echo "Description=" . $description;
> //echo "Age= " . $age;
> //echo "First Name = " . $firstname;
> //echo "Last Name = " . $lastname;
> //echo "Location = ". $location;
> //echo "Email = ". $email;
> if ( isset($userfile)  ) {
>       if ( copy("c:\\" . "$userfile_name",
> "c:\\bollocks.txt") ) {
>               echo("<B>File Successfully copied</B>");
>       } else {
>               echo("<B>Error: Failed to copy file...<B>");
>       }
> }
> ?>
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