Hello everyone,

Knowing how much most of you like using double quotes I though to test
it a bit.
I was writing an article for PHPBeginner.com and made this interesting
proven conclusion:

Concatenating single quotes is faster unless you concatenate them more
than two.
Then game changes into the double quotes side.

Sure, this is a miserable difference when doing a few print()s, but when
you loop a lot it DOES change the game.

Hope this was interesting to someone.

Here's the code I was playing with.

$limit = !$limit ? 1000 : $limit;
$what = 'test';

include_once('timer.inc'); // just a simple timer taken from WeberDev

$singe_escape  =  new  c_Timer;  
$double_escape  =  new  c_Timer;  
$double_no_escape  =  new  c_Timer;  
$double_curly_escape  =  new  c_Timer;  

$var = '';
for($i=0; $i<$limit; $i++) {
        $var .= 'this is the '.$what.' of concatenation '.$i.' in the

$var = '';
for($i=0; $i<$limit; $i++) {
        $var .= "this is the ".$what." of concatenation ".$i." in the

$var = '';
for($i=0; $i<$limit; $i++) {
        $var .= "this is the $what of concatenation $i in the strings";

$var = '';
for($i=0; $i<$limit; $i++) {
        $var .= "this is the {$what} of concatenation {$i} in the

echo 'singe_escape <B>'.$singe_escape->elapsed().'</B><BR>';
echo 'double_escape <B>'.$double_escape->elapsed().'</B><BR>';
echo 'double_no_escape <B>'.$double_no_escape->elapsed().'</B><BR>';
echo 'double_curly_escape


Maxim Maletsky

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