
Apologies if this has been covered recently, I'm having a problem getting
configure to complete when running with the --with-mysql= option.  The error
I keep slamming into is:

checking for MySQL support... yes
configure: error: Cannot find header files under /usr/include/mysql

I'm currently running MySQL 3.23.42, and it was installed using the binary
rpm packages from  The MySQL-devel-3.24.42-1 is installed, and as
far as I can tell, the header files are located in the path located in the
error message above.  The install system is RH 7.1.

I've tried looking through configure for a specific file it might be looking
for or more information about the error, but am coming up with nothing right

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance,
PHP Newbie

Ryan Hill, MCSE 
Network & Systems Engineer
Corporate Information Systems
Telecommunication Systems, Inc. (TCS) -
v: 206.792.2276 - f: 206.792.2001
pgp: 0x17CE70AB

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