Splice the array at the point in your result array where "No make
specified" is, for one element, then append it back onto the result array.
Here ...

$noMake = array_splice( $resultArray, array_search( "No make specified",
$resultArray ), 1);  // This should be one line, sorry :)

$newResults = array_merge( $resultArray, $noMake );
// Two lines total

        ~Chris                           /"\
                                         \ /     September 11, 2001
                                          X      We Are All New Yorkers
                                         / \     rm -rf /bin/laden

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Tom Beidler wrote:

> I'm running a query that pulls up automotive makes for a given year and
> orders them alphabetically. One of the options is "no make specified" which
> I would like to always move to the end of the mysql_fetch_array. So my while
> loop would pull up
> Ford
> Volkswagon
> No make specified
> Instead of
> Ford
> No make specified
> Volkswagon
> After looking over the php site it doesn't look like there is an easy way to
> do it.  Should I take the array, remove the element and then add it to the
> end?
> The no make specified unique id in the make database is 1. I could order by
> id, use array_shift to pop off the first element, sort the array by asort,
> and then add it on the end using array_push.
> Is there a better way?
> Thanks,
> Tom
> --
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