On Tuesday 23 October 2001 12:29, Chris Lee wrote:
> I use proftpd, I can setup a chroot for the user that logs in, chroot them
> to their vhosts dir, move the mysql passwd file out of that dir. now anyone
> that ftp's in can not read the passwd. as for telnet (shell) access, its
> rare a user needs that anyhow, if you feel your customers do need that,
> well its your choice to offer them the security risk or not. I just tell
> our customers, "sorry, nope, to big of a security risk.", I have yet to
> have one complain so badly they switch hosting services.

Sorry -- but you're wrong.  If you've got php loaded as an apache module in a 
shared hosting environment, then any file that apache can read, I can gain 
access to through a simple FTP account and a well-constructed php file using 
fopen().  Doesn't matter if that file resides within my vhosts dir or not.  I 
may have to guess at the path a bit, but that's fairly trivial.  The only way 
to protect a file in a shared hosting environment is to use something similar 
to php-cgiwrap which allows you to chmod the file to remove group/world read 
access.   (If someone knows of another way to do this using the apache php 
module, please let me (and my ISP) know)

Regarding shell access being a "security risk", ssh is far, far more secure 
than FTP can ever hope to be.

This is straying off-topic, so we should probably take further discussions 
offline.  Feel free to email me directly if you have questions/disagreements.


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