I wrote a php pipe that allows people to play Zork from their browser

Zork is a 20 years old command based adventure games. One of the first and 
most popular. It's source code was released. Many of us here should remember 

For those who don't know how to play, just type your commands such as "open 
mailbox", "go east".

I compiled Zork on my Linux box and used php to send commands and gather the 
output for the games with the system() call.
It supports all the features of the original games plus some more, like 
multiple saves and high scores of all players.
The interface is also modernized.

I didn't have to modify the C code in anyway, it is just a pipe with some 
processing and database interaction.
PHP talks to a MySQL database to store the member informatin (highs score, 
saves, log) so you cannot play without joining (it's free).

Welcome to Dungeon. This version created 11-MAR-91.
You are in an open field west of a big white house with a boarded
front door.
There is a small mailbox here.

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