In article <023601c15de3$c05d8bc0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> Is the PHP code you provided below working, I need something like than and i
> wonder if i  could use it.

Actually, right now I'm using some code stripped from the PHP-Nuke Weather 
add-on. But it gets its weather from msnbc and I'd rather get it from the 
feds cause they won't change their output. You must know the 4 letter
ACCID value, you can get it from NOAA. I use KAUS for Austin, TX like this:


Code derived from the PHP-Nuke Weather Add-On


$fontface = "Arial";
$fontcolor1 = "#000000";
$fontsize1 = "2";

$filehandle = fsockopen("", 80, $num_error, $str_error, 30);

  print "Weather is is not available: $str_error ($num_error)\n";       
$Default_accid HTTP/1.0\n\n");

  // initialize variables
  $v_City    = "";
  $v_SubDiv  = "";
  $v_Country = "";
  $v_Region  = "";
  $v_Temp    = "";
  $v_CIcon   = "";
  $v_WindS   = "";
  $v_WindD   = "";
  $v_Baro    = "";
  $v_Humid   = "";
  $v_Real    = "";
  $v_UV      = "";
  $v_Vis     = "";
  $v_LastUp  = "";
  $v_Fore    = "";
  $v_Acid    = "";

  while (!feof($filehandle))
    $grabline = fgets($filehandle, 4096);
    $grabline= trim($grabline) . "\n";
    if (substr($grabline,7,4) == "City")    
      $v_City    = substr($grabline,15,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,6) == "SubDiv")  
    { $v_SubDiv  = substr($grabline,17,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,7) == "Country") 
      $v_Country = substr($grabline,18,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,6) == "Region")  
      $v_Region  = substr($grabline,17,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,4) == "Temp")    
      $v_Temp    = substr($grabline,15,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,5) == "CIcon")   
      $v_CIcon   = substr($grabline,16,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,5) == "WindS")   
      $v_WindS   = substr($grabline,16,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,5) == "WindD")   
      $v_WindD   = substr($grabline,16,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,4) == "Baro")    
      $v_Baro    = substr($grabline,15,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,5) == "Humid")   
      $v_Humid   = substr($grabline,16,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,4) == "Real")    
      $v_Real    = substr($grabline,15,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,2) == "UV")      
      $v_UV    = substr($grabline,13,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,3) == "Vis")     
      $v_Vis   = substr($grabline,14,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,5) == "LastUp")  
      $v_LastUp  = substr($grabline,16,20); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,4) == "Fore")    
      $v_Fore    = substr($grabline,15,200); 
    if (substr($grabline,7,4) == "Acid")    
      $v_Acid    = substr($grabline,15,20); 

  $v_City    = substr($v_City,0,strlen($v_City)-3);
  $v_SubDiv  = substr($v_SubDiv,0,strlen($v_SubDiv)-3);
  $v_Country = substr($v_Country,0,strlen($v_Country)-3);
  $v_Region  = substr($v_Region,0,strlen($v_Region)-3);
  $v_Temp    = substr($v_Temp,0,strlen($v_Temp)-3);
  $v_CIcon   = substr($v_CIcon,0,strlen($v_CIcon)-3);
  $v_WindS   = substr($v_WindS,0,strlen($v_WindS)-3);
  $v_WindD   = substr($v_WindD,0,strlen($v_WindD)-3);
  $v_Baro    = substr($v_Baro,0,strlen($v_Baro)-3);
  $v_Humid   = substr($v_Humid,0,strlen($v_Humid)-3);
  $v_Real    = substr($v_Real,0,strlen($v_Real)-3);
  $v_UV      = substr($v_UV,0,strlen($v_UV)-3);
  $v_Vis     = substr($v_Vis,0,strlen($v_Vis)-3);
  $v_LastUp  = substr($v_LastUp,0,strlen($v_LastUp)-3);
  $v_Fore    = substr($v_Fore,0,strlen($v_Fore)-3);
  $v_Acid    = substr($v_Acid,0,strlen($v_Acid)-3);
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
        <title><? $v_City ?> Weather</title>

   <table width="150" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1">
       <td colspan="5" name="cityst" align="center">
         <font face="<? $fontface ?>" color="<? $fontcolor1 ?>" size="<? 
$fontsize1 ?>"><b><?$v_City?>, <?$v_SubDiv?></b><font>
       <td colspan="3" name="temptext">Temperature:</td>
       <td colspan="2" name="tempdata"><?$v_Temp ?>&deg;</td>
       <td colspan="3" name="humidtext">Humidity:</td>
       <td colspan="2" name="humiddata"><?$v_Humid ?>%</td>
       <td colspan="3" name="barotext">Barometric Pressure:</td>
       <td colspan="2" name="barodata"><?$v_Baro ?></td>
       <td name="windtext">Wind:</td>
       <td name="winddir"><?$v_WindD ?></td>
       <td name="attext">at</td>
       <td name="windspd"><?$v_WindS ?></td>
       <td name="mphtxt">mph</td>

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