Sounds like getting a stack trace in various other languages.  I know that
Komodo and I think maybe a couple others has a built in debugger.  It may
(or may not) show you a stack trace/call trace display.

-----Original Message-----
From: DL Neil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 2:44 AM
Subject: [PHP] Debugging aids (after the style of: Error management)

Don't you like the side-benefits of this list, eg that someone comes up with
a question that gets your thought processes
running or suggests an idea you'd not otherwise come up with!?

So further to the question:

> How can I know the line and the file from where a function has called. I
> already know __FILE__ and __LINE__, but I don't want to transmit them in
> arguments.

is there a debugging facility in PHP which displays a 'map' of which
functions have called which?

So for example, a script crashes at line_56 in file_fred.php, which is what
we've all come to know and love; but I'd
like to know that it got there by the mainline calling FnOpen(), which
called FnInitialise(), which in turn called
FnUncleTomCobbleighAndAll(), where some incompetent happily three layers
down tried to share out the spoils by dividing
by zero (or whatever)...

Looking in the manual I started with:
Chapter 8. Constants
Predefined constants
A constant is a identifier (name) for a simple value. As the name suggests,
that value cannot change during the
execution of the script (the magic constants __FILE__ and __LINE__ are the
only exception). A constant is case-sensitive
by default. By convention constants are always uppercase.

but if these two are the only "magic constants" then I'm out of luck there.
So I meandered through the PHPINFO and
environment variables, but nothing stood up and popped me in the eye.

Anyone know better/have a bright idea?

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