From: "Brad Hubbard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > I am using fsockopen to post data to a dll on a SSL server.  I setup the
> > socket data and successfully posted the data to port 80 but as soon as I
> > switch to port 443 I received no errors or text.
> Does this help? I use this on web servers to test whether a transaction
> server is available or not. Only works on *nix of course (sorry Bill :-)
> <?php
> $ph = popen( "/usr/bin/openssl s_client -connect -quiet
> 2>/dev/null <<EOM\nGET / HTTP/1.0\n\nEOM\n", "r" );
> $response = fgets( $ph, 1024 );
> if( stristr( $response, "200 OK" ) )
> {
> header( "Location:"; );
> exit;
> }
> ?>

Excellent!  This is exactly what I needed.  I now have a class interfacing
with my gateway and do not need cURL!

Thanks a bunch!


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