Yes, I restarted the apache web server. żI suppose this is enough, no?


"Cc Zona" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruno) wrote:
> > Yesterday everything was working fine, but today I got to my office and
> > PHP couldn't send mails anymore. I get the next message in the apache
log :
> >
> > sh: sendmail -t -i: command not found
> >
> > I've tried to change the php.ini mail section to point to the exact
> > path, but I get the same message.
> You did restart the server after making the changes to php.ini, right?
> From <>: "The configuration file (called
> php3.ini in PHP 3.0, and simply php.ini as of PHP 4.0) is read when PHP
> starts up. For the server module versions of PHP, this happens only once
> when the web server is started."
> --
> CC

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