To delete a database, the best thing to do is login to your mysql DB 
directly, ie:  mysql -u root -p     (the root user is the MySQL root, not the 
sytem root) and supply the password at the prompt. Then do:


This will delete it "correctly".  Something that I do is put all my table 
creations into a file and at the top I put DROP DATABASE name and then 
recreate it and all my tables. This will reset your database nicely and you 
can pipe this script into your mysql above, ie:

mysql -u root -p < scriptname

Hope that helps.


On Monday 29 October 2001 09:51, PHP Mail wrote:
>  On my system the mysql and test databases are created in /var/db/mysql/
>  I created a database called publish and it likewise was stored in
>  /var/db/mysql/publish.
>  I needed to start over with the work on publish so I deleted the publish
>  directory. #rm -R /var/db/mysql/publish.
>  BUT after re-creating the tables all the records still existed, so the
>  records weren't in /var/db/mysql/publish. Where is it?
>  # rm -R /var/db/mysql/publish
>  # mysqladmin create publish
>  # mysql
>  mysql> use publish
>  mysql> CREATE TABLE eZAddress_AddressType (
>     ID int(11) NOT NULL,
>     Name varchar(50),
>     ListOrder int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
>     Removed int(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
>  );
>  mysql> INSERT INTO eZAddress_AddressType VALUES (1,'Home address',1,0);
>  ERROR 1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
>  Where dat data at?


Henrik Hudson

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