On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 14:52, J W W L (Warwick) Berg wrote:
> Hi all
> Sorry about what is probably a total dickhead about to enter your
> midst, but I've never installed php or seen it much at all before but
> am trying to do it now.
> Using RH 7.1 and Apache 1.3.19
> Want to install php4 and mysql combo and totally ignorant.
> Installed php rpm.
> Restarted apache in case that was needed.
> made hello.php  and pointed browser at it.
> Got the text, rather than executing it.
> Can I surmise that apache isn't set up properly, and if so, could
> someone please point me towards relevant assistance. Got really
> confused with the "manual", etc. Not that bright I suppose ;-)
> Thanks in advance
> Warwick

Caveat - I have absolutely no experience with Dead Rat.

However, your problem #1 sounds like an Apache configuration thing - to 
run php under apache you need at least some sort of addtype entry in your 
httpd.conf. I use:

    # AddType allows you to tweak mime.types without actually editing it, 
or to
    # make certain files to be certain types.
    # For PHP 4.x, use:
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .html

which tells apache to use php to parse files with extensions listed.

I don't know whether the redhat apache rpm uses DSO or not - ther may be 
problems there also.

But check for the addtype entry first - and remember to 'apachectl 
graceful' to force a reread of the conf file if you change anything in it.

David Robley      Techno-JoaT, Web Maintainer, Mail List Admin, etc

   Useless Invention: Screen door on a submarine.

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