date() shoudl give you the time in your timezone, gmdate() should give you
the time in the GMT timezone. I would check your server and make sure the
timezone is correctly set.


  Chris Lee

"Steve Tsai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:none...
> For reference:
> OS: OpenBSD 2.9
> Web Server: Apache1.3.19
> PHP Version: 4.0.6
> My problem is that date() and all the other time functions return GMT
> of localtime.  system("date") returns the correct localtime.  Those
> used to return localtime since GMT.  The problem seems to have started
> daylight savings time changed.  I hope someone has an idea of what's wrong
> and how to fix it.  As for now, I'm adding time() - 3600 * 8 to all my
> scripts right now.
> Steve

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