"Srinivasan Ranganathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im working on a newsletter using php. Is there any
> way, other than using a cron job?

Of course.  Run the script manually via the commandline version of PHP or
require a password and form submission on a web-based version of the script
and run it manually or schedule a program on another server with cron (or pc
with scheduling program) to visit the page automatically.  wget can be used
to do this.

> Cuz, when i approach
> a my web host provider, how can i add a cron job to
> his system?

If you have shell access and your user has privileges to add a cron entry
then the program "crontab" can be used.  "man crontab" for more info.  If
not, your hosting provider will have to do it for you, that is if the
provider allows users to run cron jobs.

> how do other newsletter programs do this
> even when they are hosted at remote sites?

Some people just use mailing list programs like majordomo, mailman,
smarlist, etc. and send the newsletter out to the recipients manually...

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

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