On Fri,  9 Nov 2001 11:58, Cleber S. Mori wrote:
> Hi guys...
> I have a perl script which adds automatically contents to my html file.
> I have been done this manualy, from a unix shell, but now I want to
> make the PHP do-it-for-me.
> As I already have the perl script, I won't rewrite it again, so, how
> can I make a PHP variable ($foo) to go to the STDIN?
> In other words, I want to execute my htmladd.pl with the file argument,
> and get the STDIN.
> like
>   echo "STDIN"| htmladd.pl my_html_file.html
> But I want to STDIN be a PHP variable, that is because I want to make
> the updates over the net.
> Thanks!
> Hey, sorry for my bad english!
> Take care!

Look at exec(), system() and perhaps the use of backticks [``] to executa 
a command and pass a variable.

David Robley      Techno-JoaT, Web Maintainer, Mail List Admin, etc

   "I put all my money into an IRA," Tom said interestedly.

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