First hit's a winner :)

Damien Burke wrote:

> Hi,
> Can anyone recommend a good place on the web to learn about user
> authentication.
> I want users of my site to login with a username & password - once they are
> logged in they can see information customised to each separate user.
> Without being logged in the won't see any valuable information.
> Especially issues dealing with hackers.
> Thanks,
> Damien

                _______      ___    _  ____  _____
Chris Hobbs   / ____\ \    / / |  | |/ ___\|  __ \
Head Geek    | (___  \ \  / /| |  | | (___ | |  | |
WebMaster     \___ \  \ \/ / | |  | |\___ \| |  | |
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