i recon this is a way too, the website does not support to much
information about how to use a tool like APD.

create_function is a php native function so support, stability and
usability is much greater than a 3rd party Zend Extention in early beta :)

with kind regards,

Joffrey van Wageningen

On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:

> Joffrey Van Wageningen wrote:
> > its possible to create lambda-style functions with create_function() and
> > redeclare the variable functions
> >
> > ---
> > $funct = create_function('$x', 'return ++$x;');
> > echo $funct(10);
> >
> > $funct = create_function('$x', 'return --$x;');
> > echo $funct(10);
> > ---
> >
> > its fun to create array's of functions :) try it :P
> >
> > with kind regards,
> > Joffrey van Wageningen
> APD can rename/redeclare functions also.
> http://apd.communityconnect.com/
> --
> Yasuo Ohgaki

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