
I have following problem:
I get a form with some fields having the same name.
PHP solves this problem by appending [] to the form-field-names which causes the 
creation of arrays.
My problem now is, that I have to pass those variables further to another script (not 
PHP) in exactly that order I receive them from the form.
But when I have a form (schematically) like this:
-input type=text name=myfield1
-input type=text name=myfield2
-input type=text name=myfield1
-input type=text name=myfield2
-input type=text name=myfield1
-input type=text name=myfield2

Then I get in PHP all myfield1 in 1 variable (the array myfield1) and all myfield2 in 
1 other variable -> order is irreversibly destroyed.
Give the fields numbers is not a solution (for complexity reasons).

So my ultima ratio is to parse the post-data myself - but how can I do this?
I have not found any indices for a variable containing post-data :-(

If someone has another approach to a solution: I will have both ears open for it :)

Thanks in advance
Stefan Rusterholz, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
interaktion gmbh
Stefan Rusterholz
Zürichbergstrasse 17
8032 Zürich
T. +41 1 253 19 55
F. +41 1 253 19 56
W3 www.interaktion.ch

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