On Tue, 20 Nov 2001 14:41, Brian Tully wrote:
> not sure I know how to do this...
> do you mean to open the file twice? once to read it and put it into a
> variable and then close the file and open it again, this time for
> writing?
> I'm confused. this seems so much harder than it would be with Perl. But
> I really want to stick with PHP. Can anyone help me out here? I've
> looked the manual over and over, and checked the php.net website, but
> nothing covers the situation where you want to add text to the TOP of a
> file. fopen with the r+ option is not working the way it should.
> I'd be eternally grateful...
> brian

I think you misunderstand the r+ flag. You said
> >> What happens is that the line does get written to the top of the
> >> page but it
> >> overwrites or deletes some of the existing text. Even though the r+
> >> option is supposed to put the pointer at the beginning of the file
> >> and add to it as
> >> opposed to overwriting it doesn't seem to be working for me.

"r+’ - Open for reading and writing; place the file pointer at the 
beginning of the file."

Now, nowhere does the docs say 'and add to it'; what happens is that the 
pointer is placed at the beginning of the file _and anything written to 
the file is overwritten there_. You just can't insert lines in a file 
like that; and that isn't a restriction of PHP, it's the way OSes in 
general work. So if you want to add a line at the beginning of the file, 
you need to read the entire file into a variable, prepend the stuff you 
want to add and then write out the whole lot to the file.

You could probably simplify the process a bit by using file() to read the 
file into an array, then adding that array to the array of stuff you want 
at the beginning of the file and then writing the whole array out to 
file; that way you only have to do one fopen.

I dunno how you would do it in PERL, but the principle is the same at the 
coalface - perhaps PERL hides a bit of the work from you??

David Robley      Techno-JoaT, Web Maintainer, Mail List Admin, etc

   Darth Vader sleeps with a Teddywookie.

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