Hi Caspar,

@ 10:54:13 AM on 11/21/01, Caspar Kennerdale wrote:

> I have a script that when I execute via a browser retrieves information.

> Ultimately I want this automated.  There has been mention on these lists
> about compliling php as cgi, which I think may help

By automated do you mean with something like cron?

./configure php without using apxs or apache. That will build it as a
stand alone executable which you can call from a shell or from cron.
If you need it as a cgi also, you'd configure it pretty much the same
way you'd configure a cgi-bin for perl-cgi scripts, but I don't know
if running php as an apache module AND as a cgi is going to fly.

> This also may help out with some timeout issues that arise.

Search this page for max_execution_time:


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