De Necker Henri wrote:

> Hi there!I want to know how to reload the following script of mine by
> using a cookie.If the cookie expires the user must lgin again.I can get it
> right to reload the authentication script
> This is my code im using in my secure pages :
> require_once("inc/");
> if(!isset($Cookie)){
>   include("quick_auth.php");
>   unset($PHP_AUTH_USER);

PHP_AUTH_USER is re-sent by the browser on each connection...

So unset-ing it is usually ineffective except for being able to use 
isset($PHP_AUTH_USER) instead of isset($Cookie) in the rest of your 

> }else{
>   //echo "<br>Cookie is set";
>   session_start();
>   //register session variables.
>   session_register('userid');
>   session_register('username');
>   session_register('useremail');
> }
> //Now get data from tables so that we can authenticate the users that has
> admin rights etc etc.:
> $query = "SELECT user_type
>             FROM staffinfo
>            WHERE createdate = '$userid'";
>  echo "<br>Ueserid = $userid";
>  $row = db_array($query);
>  if($row[0])
>   {
>    $intcom_authtype = $row[0];
>   }else{
>    $intcom_authtype = "x";
>   }; //end if $row[0]
> $right['p'] = "power user";
> $right['n'] = "normal user";
> $right['x'] = "no user";
> echo "<br>This user has ".$right[$intcom_authtype]." rights";
> //////////////////////////////////////////END OF
> AUTHENTICATION///////////////////////////////////////
> This is my quick_auth.php :
> Its is basically the same as in the manual!
> //require_once("inc/");
> function recall()
>  {
>      Header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Intranet Authentication\"");
>      Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
>      echo "Sorry, you have to authenticate to gain access.\n";
>      exit;
>  } //end of function recall
> if(!isset($PHP_AUTH_USER))
>  {
>   Header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Intranet Authentication\"");
>   Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
>   echo "Sorry, you have to authenticate to gain access.\n";
>   exit;
>  }else{
>   $email = $PHP_AUTH_USER;
>   $password = $PHP_AUTH_PW;
>   if(!strrchr($email,"@")){$email=$email."";}
>   $query = "SELECT createdate,lastupdate,password,email,name
>             FROM staffinfo
>             WHERE email = '$email'";
>   $row   = db_array($query);
>   $createdate_t = $row[0];
>   $lastupdate_t = $row[1];
>   $password_t = strtolower($row[2]);
>   $email_t = $row[3];
>   $name = $row[4];
>   $password = substr($password,0,20);
>   if((strtolower($password)!=$password_t) || (!$password))
>    {

You really shouldn't store the passwords in plain-text in the database.

You can use to store an encrypted copy of the 
passwords in the database.  Then, this test would read more like:

if ((crypt($password, 'XX') != $password_t))

>     recall();
>    }else{
>     $CookieString=$createdate_t."&".$email_t;
>     SetCookie("Cookie",$CookieString,time()+10); //setting new cookie

A 10 second cookie?  That's not real useful...  Give them a half hour at 
least...   Change the 10 to 60 * 30 or even higher.

Also for some broken (IE) browsers, you have to specify a path as well as a 
time, or not a time.  So add '/' at the end of this.

>     $userid = $createdate_t;  //We use the creation date as our user id.

On a very busy server, you could maybe end up with multiple users with the 
same userid then...  Not good.

>     $username = $name;
>     $useremail = $email_t;
>     //initiate session
>       session_start();
>     //register session variables.
>       session_register('userid');
>       session_register('username');
>       session_register('useremail');
>    }; //if password correct
>  }; //if information submitted

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