It works, thanks.


"Brian Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje
> Hi Edgardo,
> @ 8:09:26 AM on 11/21/01, Edgardo Rossetto wrote:
> > I have a problem width array_merge(); in PHP 4 beta 2 (my ISP sucks,
> > and i need to know if there's a similar function o way to do this.
> There's probably a faster/elegant way to do this, but this should
> work:
> <?php
> function arraymerge($one,$two)
> {
>    while(list(,$x) = each($one))
>    {
>       $merged[] = $x;
>    }
>    while(list(,$y) = each($two))
>    {
>       $merged[] = $y;
>    }
>    return $merged;
> }
> /* example: */
> $one = array('foo','baz','bar');
> $two = array('baz','foo');
> $merged = arraymerge($one,$two);
> while(list(,$val) = each($merged))
> {
>    print "$val ";
> }
> ?>
> --
>  -Brian Clark | PGP is spoken here: 0xE4D0C7C8
>   Please, DO NOT carbon copy me on list replies.

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