Well, your the expert, so I'll look into this further, but do you have
any statistics, or a guess, as to the load auto_prepending an entire
site would add to a server? 

I've always been under the impression that adding PHP to every page will
add significant load. I'm not familiar enough with session management,
but it seems like your setup would add a heavy load?

Currently, only a small portion of our pages are PHP -- those linking
into databases and covering the front end negotiation.

Again, your the expert, so I'll just have to do some research. Thanks
for the suggestion.


Fred wrote:
> I always write my own authentication scripts in PHP using PHP's built in
> session management.  If you want to protect entire directories or sites,
> just add the authentication routine to your auto_prepend file and it will
> work for any page you are trying to authenticate.
> If set up correctly it works really well, because a user can enter the site
> from any page (perhaps from a bookmark) and if they are not logged in they
> will get a login prompt and once logged in will go directly to whatever page
> they were trying to access.
> Furthermore, if you write your own authentication script for use in
> auto_prepended files, you can use it with little or no modification on any
> site you desire.
> Fred

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