On 29 December 2001 13:35, Kris Wilkinson spaketh unto ye recipient:
> setcookie ("myCookie","Blah","time()+7201");

For some reason, you must specify the domain, and make sure you use *exact* 
formatting on the time, including the GMT suffix.

I gave up on setcookie and started using this:

$date = gmdate("D, d-M-Y H:i:s", ($time));

header ('Set-Cookie: username='.$username.'; expires='.$date.' GMT; path=/; 

Problem is, I just upgraded a machine to Netscape 6.2 from 6.1, and now it 
won't set the cookie :(

Casey Allen Shobe
GCS/CM d+ s+:->+: a-- C++(++++) ULU++++$ P- L+++>++++ E- W++ N++ !o K- w-- !O
M V- PS++ PE Y+ PGP>++ t+ 5+ X R>+ tv-- b++ DI+ D---- G++ e h-(*) r--- z--

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