Hi all,

I've been banging my head against the wall for a few days and have 
finally decided to consult the list.  Here's what I'm trying to do and 
what is happening:


Various version of RH Linux, primary 6.2 (on an i586), but when that 
failed (repeatedly) I started trying it on a 7.1 box (Athlon).


Build libpdf support into PHP for dynamic pdf generation

What is Happening:

-libpdf appears to configure, build, and install properly (from source)
-php is rebuilt and appears to configure, build, and install properly
-the output of phpinfo() does _not_ list any information on libpdf and 
libpdf functions do not work

What I've Been Doing:

Aside from beating my head against the wall I have been configuring 
libpdf builds with the following:

./configure --enable-shared-pdflib --enable-php --enable-cxx

The output at the end of the ./configure process indicates that shared 
library, C++, and PHP support (among others) has been enabled.

pdflib then appears to build and install properly with 'make; make install'

* Note, I have been blowing away the pdflib source directory and 
re-untaring each time I do a build.

For PHP builds I have been configuring with the following:

./configure --with-apxs --with-pdflib=/usr/local/lib 
--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql --with-zlib=/usr/include 
--with-ttf=/usr/lib --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib --with-tiff-dir=/usr/lib

Again, it appears to configure properly. I then build PHP with ./make 
and ./make install.

When apache is restarted and the output of testinfo() is checked pdflib 
is _not_ listed and pdflib specific functions do _not_ work. The 
configure options shown above are listed in the Configure Command 
portion of the output.

Any pointers or tips would be most appreciated.  I would be happy to 
provide any additional information that might explain what I've done.



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