
I am trying to make a something like a cooking recipe with some calculations. My 
problem is too much database querying. Is it really a problem???

Let's suppose there is a table with items and prices:
item1    price1
item2    price2
item3    price3

Then I have to calculate some new indegrient price, which is a result of calculating 
other prices:
(ex: $new_price1 = 2*$price1 + $price2 )

To get wanted prices I used standard query:

$result = mysql_query ("SELECT  price from price_list where id = '01'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$price1 = $row["price"];

$result = mysql_query ("SELECT  price from price_list where id = '02'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$price2 = $row["price"];

//...and so on for about 30 indegrients.

And on the end:
$new_price1 = 2*$price1 + $price2;
print "$new_price1";


But, is there a quicker way to do this? Am I doing maybe the wholistic mistake in 
Or this is just OK?

Please, help cooking the soup ;)


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