Hello all,

I have a problem with a php script, which I want to use to fetch two data 
(integer) from a MySQL table, divide the first by the second, and store the 
value resulting in an double array. That seems not very difficult, but I 
always have the error 'Cannot use a scalar value as an array' when I use my 

Here it is :

  $result = mysql_query("SELECT timestamp_c,connectes,num FROM 
stats_serveurs WHERE timestamp_c LIKE '".$date."%' "AND serveur='".
$serveur."'", $link);

  $max = 0;
  $reps = mysql_num_rows($result);
  for($i = 1; $i<=$reps; $i++){
    $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
    $serveur[$i]['heure'] = $row[0];
    $serveur[$i]['connectes'] = (int) ($row[1] / $row[2]); // Error!
    $max = max($max, $serveur[$i]['connectes']);

Any help is welcome ! :-)


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