To close the window when the user clicks on the hiperlink type in your HTML tag
for Body     <Body onUnload="Window.close()">
This will close the present window when the user clicks on the hiperlink.

When you close the present window, you need to open a new window (or an existing
one)  where you will display the new page.


Wee Chua wrote:

> Hi all,
> How could i get rid of the white space and show the picture exactly same
> size as the window, so it would be perfect fit. What else do I miss in the
> codes to make the perfect fit size? Also, how can I have the small window
> close automatically after user clicking on the picture's hyperlink? Any
> helps will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> <Script>
> <!--
> function displayWindow(url, width, height) {
>,"displayWindow",'width=' + width + ',height=' +
> height
> +',resizable=0,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,status=no,topmargin=0,leftmargin=0')
> ;
>                         self.close();
> }
> //-->
> </script>
> <a
> href="javascript:displayWindow('../JPeg/big%20jpeg/Untitled-1.jpg',750,530)"
> >
> regards,
> Calvin

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