Well, This is not really possible, unless the server itself allows you to do
the listing.
One way and after the last condition you can use
fopen("sever.com/dir_to_list/") then fread() it and then parse the content
in order to get filename, date, ...

"Håkon grønning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Does anybody know how to list a remote directory to get
> all the filenames into for example an array?
> This is easily done on your local server by:
>  $handle=opendir('./images/');
>  while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) {
>      $filelist[] = $file;
>  }
>  closedir($handle);
> However, opendir and readdir does not work on remote
> servers: $handle=opendir('http://www.somesite.net/images/');
> So, does anybody know how to do this.
> I know I can read remote files (directory listing) and then
> To analyse this for filenames with a lot of string manipulation
> operations. Is there a simpler approach?
> Håkon Grønning

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