This is doing my head in.
I'm printing out a lot of countires from a db and i want to select the 
countries (check their checkboxes) if they are equal to a particular country 
variable I have set or if they appear in an array. My code is:

                $european_union = array('24', '17', '1', '58', '74', '80', 
'73', '83', '101', '103', '119', '144', '164', '186', '193', '212');

                if(mysql_num_rows($europe_result) > 0) {

                    while(list($id, $country) = 
mysql_fetch_array($europe_result)) {

                        if(($id == $register_country_of_origin) || 
(in_array($id, $european_union))) {

                            echo"\t<TD WIDTH=\"50%\" 
CLASS=\"pofgreencard\"><INPUT TYPE=\"checkbox\" NAME=\"country_id[]\" 
VALUE=\"$id\" CHECKED> $country</TD>\n";

                        } else {

                            echo"\t<TD WIDTH=\"50%\" 
CLASS=\"pofgreencard\"><INPUT TYPE=\"checkbox\" NAME=\"country_id[]\" 
VALUE=\"$id\"> $country</TD>\n";


Can anyone give me some tips because if i select a country which is not in 
the array, it still checks all the boxes of the countires in the array?!

I hope this is making sense, I thikn this is what I want ;-)


Jordan Elver
Web Developer
> How do I read MIME files??? Quietly, while pretending to be trapped in an 
invisible box. :)

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