I am using an approach similar to this:

$language_file = 'english';

include 'dir/to/languages/'.$language_file.'.inc.php';

on english.inc.php

// Errors section:
$lang['errors']['form']['empty_password'] = 'Please fill the password';

// Miscellanious section:
$lang['misc']['on_line_users'] = 'Number of online users: ';

  Than you just go echoing the array elements where you want the text to
appear. It does require a little bit more of typing but the languages files
get a more clear and structured arrange, making easier to add new
words/phrases and helps people that will translate.


Julio Nobrega

Don't eat the yellow snow.

"Alexander Skwar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

I've got to develop a multilingual application.

What's the best approach to have the app multilingual?  Should I use
gettext, or are there any better ways to do this?


Alexander Skwar
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