Hi again, 

A few days ago, I sent in an inquiry  (see below) about how to make the date
field in mysql read NULL when the corresponding form field was empty. I
tried the suggestions I received and the following if statements all seem to
still result in a default 0000-00-00 instead of NULL.

/ this enters NULL if event_date is empty
if ($event_date == "") $event_date = '\0';

if ($event_date == "") $event_date = "\0";

if ($event_date == "") $event_date = \0;

if ($event_date == "") $event_date = NULL;

if ($event_date == "") $event_date = '\0';

// here's the insert statement
mysql_db_query("$db", "insert into $table (id, 
approved, author, title,
featured, keywords, description, content, type, category, datetime, country,
region, event_date) values(null, '$approved', $author, '$title',
date_add('$datetime', interval $featured day), '$keywords', '$description',
'$content', '$type', '$category', '$datetime', '$country', '$region',

I'd really appreciate your suggestions and help. I can work around this
result, but it's really bugging me now why I can't get the word 'NULL' in
the date field when the corresponding form field is empty.

thank you, Shawna

> ----------
> From:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent:         Tuesday, December 4, 2001 5:31 PM
> Subject:      [PHP] Simple Question: PHP, MySQL, HTML Form and NULL
> I have added a new column in an existing MYSQL table called "event_date"
> -
> type: DATE, Null - yes ;  default - NULL.
> This database field will be filled if and when the field in the HTML form
> is
> complete.   When I added the new field to MySQL, it automatically assigned
> NULL to all the existing records - which is what I wanted it to do.
> I tested the HTML form, and when someone enters a date in the HTML form,
> the
> date appears correctly in the table field.  Perfect.
> Now my question: When the HTML form date field is left blank  and the form
> is submitted, instead of putting "NULL" in the MySQL event_date field, I
> found: 0000-00-00.  Is this because the form is submitting an " " to the
> database field?
> Is there some kind of if/then statement I should use so that when the
> field
> is empty,  "NULL" will be entered into that table field?
> Thank  you, Shawna
> -- 
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