1. http://www.php.net/ChangeLog-4.php

2. and yes, you have to specify the exact filename...your issue is that
include_once is not a function in php3, if that code is infact from a php3

"Phillip B. Bruce" wrote:

> Hi,
>     I have a couple of questions before I get to my problem.
>    1. Is there any documentation that explains the differences between
> the versions of PHP?
>   2. Does it matter when writing php code that you specifiy the file
> name in the following
>        manner?  test.php3  test.php4 or whatever.  I'm assumming this is
> version specific.
>   My Problem:
>    I have the following code:
> # more headlines*
> <?php
> include "include_fns.php3";
> include "header.php3";
> $conn = db_connect();
> $pages_sql = "select * from pages order by code";
> $pages_result = mysql_query($pages_sql, $conn);
> while ($pages = mysql_fetch_array($pages_result)) {
>   $story_sql = "select * from stories
>                 where page = '$pages[code]'
>                 and published is not null
>                 order by published desc";
>   $story_result = mysql_query($story_sql, $conn);
>   if (mysql_num_rows($story_result)) {
>     $story = mysql_fetch_array($story_result);
>     print "<TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=400>";
>     print "<TR>";
>     print "<TD ROWSPAN=2 WIDTH=100>";
>     if ($story[picture])
>       print "<IMG SRC=\"resize_image.php?image=$story[picture]\">";
>     print "</TD>";
>     print "<TD>";
>     print "<H3>$pages[description]</H3>";
>     print $story[headline];
>     print "</TD>";
>     print "</TR>";
>     print "<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>";
>     print "<A HREF=\"page.php3?page=$pages[code]\">";
>     print "<FONT SIZE=1>Read more $pages[code] ...</FONT>";
>     print "</A>";
>     print "</TABLE>";
>   }
> }
> include "footer.php3";
> ?>
> #
> I have the following error:
> Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function include_once() in
> include_fns.php3 on line 7
> It seems to me that include_once is a legal function but I can't the
> orgination of this funtion other
> than that stupid include_fns.php3 file? Any ideas on this.
> Configuration:
> OS: Solaris 2.8 10/00 on Intel Hardware.
> Apache: 1.3.9
> PHP: 3.0.15
> mysql: 3.23.46
> My ISP is running:
> OS: Irix 6.4
> Apache: 1.3.9
> PHP: 3.0.9
> mysql: 3.22.23b
> I do appreciate any help on this.
> --
> ************************************************************
> *** Phillip B. Bruce                                     ***
> *** http://pbbruce.home.mindspring.com                   ***
> *** [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               ***
> ***                                                      ***
> *** "Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than    ***
> *** you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you    ***
> *** is a maniac." - George Carlin                        ***
> ************************************************************
> --
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