You have bug in your session handler script.
In code exchange at, you can find mine.
Search HTTP section.

BTW, I'll add pgsql session handler module.
Anyone could use PosrgreSQL for session storage w/o writing script
from 4.2.0. It's written in C and more efficient ;)

James Gregory wrote:

> I have need to get php to use postgres to store session information. 
> I've changed the directive in php.ini and written a set of functions 
> that should do the job and I've made the call to set the session 
> handler. The following simple test case works:
> <?
> require_once ('database.php');
> require_once ('sess_handler.php');
> //session_start ();
> session_register ('asdf');
> $asdf = 123;
> print $asdf;
> ?>
> the idea being that the line where $asdf is assigned is commented out in 
> the second execution of it and the value is still there upon reloading.
> That works fine. But, when I try to use it with the code for which it 
> was originally intended I get this error:
> *Fatal error*: Failed to initialize session module in 
> */usr/local/apache/vhosts/600xl/httpdocs/fe_login.php* on line *44*
> Keep in mind that this is all code which worked perfectly with the bulit 
> in session handler before. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> James.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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