> I urge you strongly to advise against that. Although it might be possible
> downgrade your encryption to 40bit I'd like to make you aware of the fact
> that DES which is 56 bit encryption if I'm not mistaken was cracked
> times by brute force in UNDER 22 hours by the distributed.net people
> (www.distributed.net). Therefore I would NOT consider 40 bits encryption
> and I feel obligated to make you aware of that. You are warned now :-) so
> as you please.

Erm, yeah true.... but by their own admission they used the equivalant of
160000 PII 266Mhz machines to accomplish this. If you think someone is going
to want your data and has those kinda resources available then yeah go for
higher. However if thats your worry where are you going to stop in the
length of your key? If your that paranoid then it shouldn't be using public
networks in the first place!!
Jon Farmer
Systems Programmer, Entanet www.enta.net
Tel 01952 428969 Mob 07763 620378
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