Christian Haines wrote:

 > (sorry if this has been posted a thousand times..i am having problems
 > posting)
 > hi all,
 > how does one access and manipulate session variables from within a class?
 > i have hunted the net high and low but received no relief.
 > i have tried (where error is a session variable)
 > class test
 > {
 >     var $global['error'];
 > }

This is wrong.

 > class test
 > {
 >     var $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['error'];
 > }

This is wrong thing to do also

> class test
> {
>     session_register("error");
>     var $error;
> }

This is also wrong, too....

Try to find example code. There are many of them on net.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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