Merry Christmas everybody.

I am using MS Windows 98 with Apache and following an example in Julie
Meloni's "PHP - Fast and Easy" (Chapter 10) in which she describes file
uploading using PHP on page 168-174.

She has two files:
1) an html form to receive the input from the user for the file to be
2) a .php script to accept the variable and use the copy() function.

The scripts are as follows:
(html form)

<TITLE>Upload a File</TITLE>

<H1>Upload a File</H1>

<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="do_upload.php" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">

<p><strong>File to Upload:</strong><br>
<INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="img1" SIZE="30"></p>

<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Upload File"></p>


(.php script)

if ($img1_name != "") {

@copy("$img1", "c:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/$img1_name")
or die("Couldn't copy the file.");

} else {

die("No input file specified");



<TITLE>Successful File Upload</TITLE>


<P>You sent: <? echo "$img1_name"; ?>, a <? echo "$img1_size"; ?>
byte file with a mime type of <? echo "$img1_type"; ?>.</P>


My questions:
I am able to upload a file from My Documents  to the Apache server however
in her book, she describes that the user can verify that the file was
uploaded to the server by going to:

File/ Open Page / in ones web browser to navigate through their filesystem
find the file that was uploaded.  There is a screenshot in the book that
shows the .jpeg file on the screen with the browser at:

I can't seem to verify that the file exists using this method.

The only way I can verify that the file was indeed uploaded is to go into
the folder within Apache that was specified in the path and check there.

*How can I check by going through the browser window?*

Next question:

When I check that the file was uploaded, the file is saved in:
C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/$img1_name

as the *regular *.jpeg name I originally gave it - not the variable - $img1.

Is this correct? Or, should the file be saved as:

And the last question:
This is the line I received upon sending the file:

You sent: KewpieSmall.jpeg, a 3127 byte file with a mime type of

In her book, it says:

What is:

Many thanks and best wishes to all for a happy and healthy new year.
Tony Ritter

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