That is the one. Thanks. Diff than the previous phpmyadmin it appears, too.
I'll read through all those parms.

Bas Jobsen wrote:

> In
> --
> // In browse mode...
> $cfgShowBlob              = FALSE;  // display blob field contents
> --
> Maybe put it on TRUE?
> Op vrijdag 28 december 2001 16:52, schreef Paul S.:
> > I had been using "blob" for a lot of mysql text fields, even email
> > address as well as other data. all of a sudden, it seems, instead of
> > seeing and editting these blob values in phpmyadmin (i currently have
> > 2.2.2) tables all i see in the fields is "[BLOB]" and I am ubnable to
> > edit the fields.
> >
> > Does anyone know what is going on?

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