
> > However it is also possible that in order to save time the LAST_ID
> > information is built into the resultset coming back from the INSERT -
> > thus when mysql_insert_id() is called PHP would not need to go back
> > to MySQL/last_insert_id().
> yes, what you said could be true also.
> Well, there's only one way to be sure how mysql_insert_id() works...read
> the source code of PHP :) but unfortunately I dont have the source code,
> and even if I do, I won't read it, because I am lousy at reading someone's
> code...:)

=or run a script to perform an INSERT, then pause, eg go to a form, and whilst 
nothing's happening take the
MySQL server offline, then restart the script by returning from the form, and execute 
the call...

=I can't do this because my portable runs everything on one box (dev and prod and...).

> nice discussion, Neil :)

=thinking that stretches the mind!

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