Sorry for being a pain.  However I need to see if someone can answer my 

>>I am trying to delete files using "web explorer"  THere is a section in 
>>code that states the following...
>>Can I include a shell script into it?  Or it is neccessary.  I know I have
>>permissions,but I might be wrong.  If someone could help me I would
>>appreciate it.
>>case "del":
>>              ############### The user has comfirmed the deletion
>>              if ($confirm)
>>                      {
>>              ############### Object is a directory
>>                      if(is_dir($basedir.$file))
>>                              {
>>                               // I thought this part would work
>>                               //but it didn't budge by infusing a shell
>>                              #system(rmdir -rf $basedir.$file);
>>                              rmdir($basedir.$file);
>>                              }
>>                      ############### Object is a file
>>                      else
>>                              {
>>                              unlink($basedir.$file);
>>                              }
>>                      $lastaction = "Deleted $file";
>>                      html_header();
>>                      displaydir();
>>                      }

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