Philip Hallstrom wrote:

> the "Why PHP" on is a great place to go for this sort of stuff...

Honestly, it doesn't seem all that professional a resource paper for 
some reason.  It's not technical enough, primarily, and I don't think it 
would help sway anyone's opinion (at least anyone in charge of making 
decisions on how to spend money).

"PHP works with Java" - anyone who's tried to do this will attest it's 
shaky at best - ISAPI PHP works better, and that's not saying much at 
this point.  I don't think there are any large (or even mid) sized 
projects using PHP/Java together in production

The eweek article is pretty dated, and even though PHP is fastest, it 
still gets low marks.  Argh...  I wouldn't want that to be the ONLY 
piece a decision maker sees.

The "IT manager's" piece isn't too bad, but is a bit overly simplistic, 
if it's geared at IT managers, imo (but the editors may have chopped it, 
who knows?).  And Tobias has a pretty vested interest in PHP (course, 
anyone who promotes it probably does anyway, so that's not that big a 

I believe Java *can* be pretty stable and robust, but at a cost which 
far exceeds PHP's.  This is something that seemed to be missing from 
that article - a cost/benefit analysis compared to other platforms.

Geoff, if your clients are interested in total programming for the 
enterprise, you may have an uphill battle against Java (whether or not 
it's better is beside the point).  Focus on the cost/benefit, not JUST 
the benefits.  Yeah, Java/ASP/etc can have enormous benefits over PHP in 
some situations, but the price tag is often beyond what people initially 

Good luck.

Michael Kimsal
PHP training

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